lIVING IN A NEIGHBOURHOOD WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME, HAS A STRONG POSITIVE IMPACT ON YOUR MENTAL WELL-BEING. Maintaining social contact with your neighbours in the street or neighbourhood is the best medicine against loneliness.
It is nice to realise that there will always be people ready to help you if you are suddenly faced with a problem.
The desire to belong to a group is something ingrained in human nature. That’s the reason why it makes you happy when you unexpectedly hear your own dialect when you are travelling.
Bet in no time you are talking about your hometown to a complete stranger?
Bet you would never have done that if you had bumped into that person at the local supermarket?
We hope to strengthen social ties with’s products.
It would be nice, when you see someone around the corner with a print of your neighbourhood on it’s T-shirt, that it has the same effect as hearing your dialect while travelling.